
Workshop Claro Brasil – 6th Edition


Thiago Chagastelles – Diretor Comercial



The 6th Edition of Claro Brasil Workshop will discuss future paths of technical evolution, services and the improvement of the experience for the group’s clients.
Who will participate?
Executives and Employees of Claro Brasil Group in areas as: Engineering, IT, Services, HR, Purchasing, Marketing, Sales, Commercial, Call Center, among others.

External audiences: Supporters (Sponsors) and Consultants

Room A and B: Speeches, Panels and Exhibitors Area

Note: Since last year, the Engineering and IT events are integrated and as in the last editions, in addition to the audience that will participate in person, we will transmit to all technical areas of the three companies of the Group (Claro NET and Embratel).

Parcipants expected: 600 people per day

Date: 5th and 6th June, 2019

Site: São Paulo - SP - Brasil


Relatórios Finais das últimas edições

2018 – Clique aqui para download

2017 – Clique aqui para download

2016 – Clique aqui para download

2015 – Clique aqui para download